Feb 26, 2011 23:27
There's a lot of weird things going on in the human brain. We (humans) evolved to react to everything that happens around us, one way or another. While we act normal in ordinary situations, we act differently when it's not. If the situation is considered DANGEROUS by the brain, it makes us react to it by readying our body to either flee or fight. In extreme situations, the brain can even react without conscious thought. That's probably the way the animals react all the time. When the situation is not so dire, it makes our body move to react to the situation, kinda like I just scratched myself without thinking about it or how to do it. With conscious though came a problem however, how to react to something that just doesn't fall into the "usual" categories? Laughter is the answer. So, when watching a movie such as Kick-Ass, which doesn't make any sense whatsoever, the only reaction that the brain can come up with is to find it funny.
How else can you cope with a situation where a 11 years old guns down 25 bad guys while dressed up in a super-hero costume?
Awesome movie, your brain won't be able to cope.