Candace Bushnell - One Fifth Avenue

Jun 25, 2011 18:40

Money isn't issue. Everyone's got plently of momey this days. It's who you know counts.

You'll rise each morning and excercise, not simply to look attractive but to buils endurance. Most ladies prefer yoga. Then you will dress. You'll arrange your schedule and send e-mails. You'll attend a meening with decorators, caterers, and stylists; you'll have you'r hair colored twice a month and blow-dried three times a week. You'll do private tours of museums and read, I hope, three newspapers a day: The New York Times, The New York post and The Wall Street Journal. At the end of the day, you'll prepare for an evening out, which may include two ot three coctail parties and a dinner. Some will be black-tie charity events where you'll be expected to wear gown and never the same dress twice. You'll need to have your hair and makeup dome. You'll also plan vacations and weekend outings. You may purchase a country house, which you will also have to organize, staff, and decorate. You will meet the right people and court them in a manner both subtle and shameless. And then, my dear, there will be children

Don't think, do, Philip reminded himself. This was the only possible philosophy when it came to woman. If one thought about them too much, if one really considered a relationship and what it meant, one usually got into trouble.

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