Oct 29, 2006 12:22
omg i'm such a great zom8ie!!
(warning the key tween V and N is officially retarded. to 8e replaced with 8 from now on)
i dressed up as a zom8ie and took no photos. idiot. excelent dead make up if i do say so myself. it's amazing what you can do with minimal supplies. i had the fake 8lood capsules to gurgle at people and drizzle down my white, torn, 8loody singlet. i had gurlie, cotton, 3 quarter pj pants with cherries and cakes on them, torn at the knees and side. and 8ig fucking hair. the 8est teased hair effort to date. hott.
so it was a wierd night. some good 8ands, some shocking ones. one awesome one. i was too tired and frozen most of the night to 8e super cool. met some fucking WIERDOS as usual. one dude, after chattin with me for a while a8out zom8ies and the possi8ility of gnawing on my legs, asked me if i 8leed all over myself when i cum. ... uhh... not often, no. ...christ!
another dude didn't say much then gave me his little 8usiness card introduction with his num8er on it. a chick kept chattin to me in the ladies and followed me out when we left insisting we swap num8ers 8efore she left and asked if she could crash at my place... she was fairly young i think... o_OO
and then i got 8itten. it was a good 8ite.
and then there was the freezing into a corpse and 8eing rescued 8y sarah and a function cease dude and taken to the warmth-ness garage!! DE-FROST!!
and then there was this dude that i know. he's 8een awesome friends with a girl i used to work with, rach, for EONS and they love each other. he's a dero and i can't stand him. he's also IN LOVE with rach. she won't have any of that. he wastedly found me outside and in pu8lic, 8EGGED me to let him face plant into my tits. seriously. pathetically. loudly. it was horri8le and em8arrassing. i had to physically hold his head away from my chest.
"...please please? c'mon. i just really would like to put my face in there right now. please? just... just really... they're so good, you know. i mean, it would just make my night if i could put my face against those..."
"uh right. dude, it would just really make my night if you would just FUCK OFF."
8oys are wierd.
i ran for the hills. got a lift home from a lovely gentleman named charles. hurray. for. charlie.