Title: Maybe Sparrow
Artist: Neko Case
Source: Angel
Characters: Wesley, Fred, and Illyria
Content notes: Spoilers for season 5.
Summary: "A bird had flown into my windowpane. I think I was trying to bring it back to life." -- Wesley, "Lineage"
Thanks to my excellent betas,
jetpack_monkey and Alex from
Critically Touched. Comments, including concrit, are very much welcomed.
50 mb divx avi password: sparrow
Maybe Sparrow from
Fray Adjacent on
Maybe sparrow you should wait
The hawk's alight till morning
You'll never pass beyond the gate
If you don't hear my warning
Notes are hung so effortless
With the rise and fall of sparrow's breast
It's a drowning dive and back to the chorus
La di da di da di da
La di da di da di da
Oh my sparrow it's too late
Your body limp beneath my feet
Your dusty eyes cold as clay
You didn't hear my warning
Maybe sparrow it's too late
Moonlight glanced off metal wings
In a thunderstorm above the clouds
The engine hums a sparrow's phrase
For those who cannot hear the words
For those who will not hear the words
For those who will not hear the words
La di da di da di da
La di da di da di da
Maybe sparrow
Maybe sparrow
Maybe sparrow
Yes, I made another Neko Case vid. And I have more planned! Right now I'm requiring myself to create at least two new non-Neko Case vids for every one that I make. I am still very much in the space where the song inspires the vid, rather than me choosing to make a vid and looking for the right song. And Neko Case's lovely music combined with those sad, lonely, disturbing lyrics just makes me want to vid!
Burn the Mazes, in this vid I attempted to walk the line between criticizing a character and showing sympathy for them. Now I've added to this by attempting to show Fred and Illyria from Wesley's point of view*, something I hadn't tried before. I got some good advice from
obsessive24 ,
amnesias , and
littleheaven at vidpub, as well as from
jetpack_monkey , on how to make the POV more clear. I hope it came through! (Conversely, I hope no one feels too hit-over-the-head with the POV; I am still figuring out where that balance is.)
This was also my first vid where I played with color, mainly at the beginning. I didn't do anything drastic -- my goal was to use color to focus the mood and tone early on rather than to make the vid shinier. I also added a little bit of motion to some clips, again, with the goal of having a pretty subtle effect. I actually hope the motion and color changes I made are largely unnoticeable, at least to the untrained eye. This isn't because I dislike stronger effects, I just don't feel confident in using them yet! Though in the process I did discover some pretty cool effects that I hope to someday find a use for.
Finally, this was my first vid with a full-on beta. I've gotten feeback -- very, very useful feedback -- on vids before posting them publicly, but it was still very cool to get more detailed feedback this time. This probably isn't news to anyone who vids, but specific examples of things I did well and things that weren't working for the viewer were instructive for helping me more fully understand what people mean when they talk about "good editing" or use of internal/external motion, etc.
*It only adds to the difficulty that it's tough to separate what is Wesley's POV and what is that of the writers, who are nearly as guilty of idolizing her as he is.
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