(no subject)

Feb 20, 2006 19:35

Where did this all start? The children are revolting, someone call the guards.

I thought it would be fun to play a little DramaFest2006 with you guys, but you're taking it a little deep. When kids that know nothing start spouting off like they're the older and wiser of everyone, it gets on my nerves.

You know that little stunt on Sunday where I was going to come over to the Flugrad's and ruin Sam's get together with her friends? That was Becky's idea. She was pissed because Sam had the gall to invite people over to the house that SHE KNEW SHE DIDN'T LIKE, and then kick Becky out of the house to do it. Well I'm with Becky when she called "Bullshit" and I offered to come over to ease her through it. It was your own mother who decided to make it happen at Brian's house. I didn't do it to be a dick, I did it to be nice to my fucking friend.

The whole thing with Brian, that's his own problem with Becky. He was mad because she wanted to TRY (key word hello) pot, and leave it at that. She did, it's about done. He can't forgive or forget, and would rather hold a grudge, and the way I hear it, Becky was getting tired of being made fun by him anyway. The friendship that ended on that night was his own doing, because he couldn't see past an action to a friend.

That *thing* with Ben, I'll fess up to that, I thought it would be funny to stick a booger on his car, and do a few childish things like make a picture. And guess what? It was kind of funny. And I didn't put much more thought into that. I'm done with it, I don't care anymore.

Next up is the whole Money thing, which I explained on a comment on Chris' LJ. I'll post it here too:
But... this is starting to bother me... The money issue.
The first paycheck I got from Cumberland I spent 110% of it on Becky. I never stop bothering her about how much I (MUCH emphasis) DESPISE it when she hands me 10 bucks for gas (of which, is spent on her as well).
When I have money, I spend it on her, and when she has it, she helps me out. I hate it when she pays for ANYTHING, and behind the scenes she hears about it. As well she doesn't like it when I pay for everything too.
It's unfair to say that when she hands me a dollar bill it's wrong, but when I hand her one it's not only normal, but expected. And I don't have any friends on my side of the room telling me that when all my money just *miraculously* disappeared after I started dating her, that she wasn't worth it.
I'm tired of hearing this.

After that comes the reminder that I LIKE Becky. Get it? I like it when we spend all day watching a stupid movie and playing MTG. I like fooling around, and then talking about Pluto. I like going out to places, hanging out with friends, and buying cookie dough. But I don't like it when she calls me late at night crying because her mother and her sister ganged up on her, to grill her on everything she's done wrong on her life. I don't like it when the whole fucking Flugrad Family thinks it's a cool idea to go and start excluding her from family events like shopping or even dinner. I'm tired of hearing that her friends make fun of her at school, and her cousin is unhappy with the choices she made. It pisses me off when she dips her head in her hands and says how much she HATES IT AT HER HOME, and how much he people there drive her nuts, how they don't listen to her, and they don't think she's strong enough to do anything herself.

I drive to this girl's house if she so much as HINTS that she wants some company when no one else is around. If she's tired, I'll get her a blanket and let her sleep in my bed, if she's hungry, we'll turn on the stove and start cooking all sorts of weird concoctions until she's satisfied. If she wants something to play with I'll give it to her, and if she so much as asks for anyone's head on a silver fucking platter, I'll be more than happy to get it for her. I would do pretty much anything she asks, and I'm REALLY tired of hearing other people's shit that they think I'm not good enough for her. Why? Because I don't have a job? That'll be fixed in a split second. Because I'm an asshole? Well I'm an asshole to people who don't treat her well. Because I'm bringing out what's already there? I'm not, she's growing up, and isn't the little baby you all knew. I think you should grow up with her.

I think the fucking world of that girl, and would go to no fucking bounds to give it to her. She's my best friend. Simple as that.

My father keeps telling me I can do better. My friends say the same. Everyone on my side of the room hates her, and doesn't think she's good enough for me. They see her and see a girl who takes takes takes, and will drag me down. Her friends think pretty much the same for me, and as romantic as that may all sound, it's pretty stupid.

Chelle, Sam, Mrs. Flugrad, and anyone else: You don't know the half of it. Stop passing judgment like you know what's best for anyone, let ALONE yourselves.

Sorry for the wall of text.
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