That picture (you know which one):
When it was made, I was tired and not thinking. I thought it was hilarious, and stuck it on my MySpace not thinking anyone would ever see it. But then people happened to stumble onto my little joke and made it clear that they didn't find it very funny. Cries to muffle my stupidity and childish antics shot out from left field. Censorship police for the lose.
"Windmill, Windmill for the land,
Turn forever hand in hand,
Take it all in on your stride,
It is ticking, falling down,
Love forever love is free,
Let's turn forever you and me,
Windmill, windmill for the land,
Is everybody in?"
-Random Gorillaz quote
Well I'm not taking it down, some people saw it for the careless chuckle it was and that's enough for me. If I feel like it, I'll make twenty more.
To the people who tried to shame Me and Mine to take it down, get a big fucking cup of LightenUp and kill the "Holier Than Thou" shtick, you're not. For the most part, I'm happy to listen to your objections and suggestions, but not your demands.
And for those of you who still don't like me: