Hey there~

Sep 21, 2008 12:40

Is everyone doing well?

There are a lot of people I don't have seen for a long time now.
It's strange when I think about what we already have experienced together and now it's like low tide..
I suck in holding friendships up ~.~
I really suck in it...


I'm really happy with my school lessons and new teachers right now! :D
I didn't make it into Mr.Bennett's English course but now I know that Ms.Rudolph is a great teacher, too! ^0^/
She's not THAT great as Mr.Bennett but I don't have to complain either! :3
She keeps sending us emails with speeches like J.K.Rowling's speech at Harvard or Randy Pausch's Last Lecture we have to watch on youtube and they're very interesting! (/o*0*)/
I recommend them though "Last lecture" takes more then an hour to watch.


Because of this new course system I rarely see my closest friends *tear*
The only one who got stuck with me is Sören! xD
We have the same advanced courses (History & English).
Never thought that it would be such fun to hang out with him :D
Wonder if he feels burdened by my company (@__@)''''''

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