eagles on the wing

Feb 26, 2017 16:57

I signed up for a remix challenge in which each participant chooses which specific fic of theirs the person who gets that assignment must remix. There's obviously a risk there, but for the moment I'm feeling oddly chill about it. Constraints sometimes give me the hook I need to get an idea going, and I'm hoping that the constraints of this challenge will be concrete enough to work like that for me, even if I get assigned characters I don't know a lot about or actively dislike. I tried not to be too mean in my own pick. I chose one of my longer fics, so that there'll be a little more there for the remixer to work with, and one that features a somewhat more popular pairing than my most niche darlings. So we shall see. Assignments go out next weekend; stay tuned for panicked yelling then!

On the reading side, I have been thoroughly enjoying The Course of Honour by Avoliot. It's original fic about Arranged Marriage Space Princes, and if you like that sort of thing I highly recommend it. Note that a past abusive relationship is pretty key to the story, and also it's being posted in installments, in case either of those things affects your choice about reading it. But the relationship dynamics are beautifully handled, and the burn is deliciously slow.

recs, writing

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