That Myth in Genesis (Venus Envy)

May 20, 2017 10:57

lyrics and music (c) 1991 Linda Noel Schierman

That myth in Genesis is something to break my heart with
Woman as weak temptress is an image I'm glad to part with
Tell it to the girls when they're very young
It's a sure way to keep 'em under your thumb, yeah ooh
That myth in Genesis is something to break my heart with

Now before you get mad and walk away muttering,
"That woman is gonna burn in Hell someday!"
You think I'm a fool, or maybe a liar
But I have to believe that there's a power that's higher
Well it ain't no man sittin' up in the sky
Saying women are weak, so they must suffer and sigh, yeah ooh
That myth in Genesis is something to break my heart with

Besides, scientists know all embryos are female to start with
It's one of our double-X chromosomes, to be a male you've got to part with
And that idea that God created men first means women seem second best
And down deep inside it hurts us, ooh
That myth in Genesis is something to break my heart with

That myth in Genesis is something with which to break my heart
Eve was a temptress, the apple she ate
And all the evil of the world it had its start
Teach it to the boys by the time they're five
The boys'll blame the girls for the rest of their lives, yeah ooh
That myth in Genesis is something to break my heart with

We really do understand that in each and every land
People are wonderin', trying to figure out
Exactly where we came from, and what's it all about
But in 44 cultures around the world
Where boys are created equal to girls
There's no pornography, and here's an interesting fact about the deity ...
These other beliefs, these other tall tales
Where God is double-gendered or only female ...
The women are respected, the girls are not raped
So let's change the story for the children's sake

Yeah, there's a tribe on the world's other side where women are second
And the men are number one
The women tend the cattle all of their lives
They even build their houses out of cow dung
(And their myth goes something like this:)
In the beginning of the world
The cattle ran away ... and it's the fault of the girls
Yeah, to this day the women pay
It's something to break their hearts with

That myth in Genesis is something to break my heart with
Women as weak temptress is an image I'm glad to part with
Tell it to the girls when they're very young
They'll feel so guilty, they'll be under your thumb, yeah ooh
That myth in Genesis WAS ...
Something to break my heart (yeah!)

#songlyrics, #women, #equality, #religion, #venusenvy

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