Sweeny Todd

Dec 19, 2007 18:13

Gretchen, Dan, and I watched Sweeny Todd last night. It made me sad. It had all of the perfect elements to make the WORLD'S BEST MOVIE, and I was bored through most of it. How can you take Tim Burton, Johnny Depp, and add a musical that I adored as a kid and get a bad movie? I just don't get it. I'm still sad. I know it is a musical (and generally I love musicals), but they took my favorite song out "The Ballad of Sweeny Todd" - and that is what I remember most from watching it in middle school. The other songs tended to drag along - it seemed that you heard the same song for almost the whole movie, which can get very boring. They almost seemed to be pretty love songs in my mind. I want odd, discomforting music! The only time the sweet love song is appropriate (in my mind) is when he was gazing lovingly at his barber's knife before he used it to slit a throat. All other love songs were inappropriate. Everything is very pretty, even when there is blood shooting up into the air, but that isn't enough to make me want to watch it again or to buy it. So sad.
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