I am DONE. Started at 9:45 this morning. Stopped at 10:30. Started again at 4-ish, and was done by about nine. I admit, I enjoyed myself. ^^
SO. I told Nick Petillo last week that we would hang out today. LITTLE DID I KNOW (or remember) that this was the day Harry Potter was coming out. Horrors. So, this is the reason for the long break. I woke up in the morning, having warned Nick that we needed to hang out in the morning. But then David came home from Borders with two of the book. Not the one that he was supposed to be bringing home. Which belonged to Nick, his friend. Which David had first claim on. Ours was coming in the mail. Maybe not even 'till Monday. SO I THOUGHT I WAS GONNA DIE, BASICALLY. And then David bought an extra one! GLEE! So I obviously dropped everything and read, delaying Nick's arrival until 10:30, when I was in the middle of chapter 5. That's right. George had just lost an ear, nobody else was really back yet, I didn't know what was going on... and then I had to go. Until four. Tragedy. I get back, I've warned Nick that I'm abandoning him to read; about fifteen minutes later, he goes. ^^; (Sorry, Nick!) I start reading, but my mum keeps interrupting me! She does when I get to the part with Godric's Sword-in-the-Lake, and another time on page 615 (when was that again?) and then again during the friggin' FINAL BATTLE. To tell me that my cheeseburger is done. What. Thankfully I managed to finish it with (minimal) further interruptions. *sigh*
And now, for a review:
Or rather, a mention of the things I thought were cool. Going in, I thought it might be interesting to see how she handled writing a story which didn't have the inbuilt structure of the school and schooltime to help direct it. You know, the whole "beginning of school, holidays, exams" underpinning structure. It didn't make that much difference, though, which I suppose is due to the fact that the fight against Voldemort has been growing in importance over the past several books.
Looking back on it now, I've realized that several of my predictions were correct. One: I totally said that I would hit Bill and Fleur's wedding, seeing as how it was an obvious gathering spot for the Order. TOTALLY HAPPENED. (Rockin'!) Though I did not expect the Ministry to be overthrown, going in, and even later after we knew Voldemort's plans, not so easily or quickly. Or that Scrimgeour would die. Man, I'll say this: Rowling may not have (quite) killed Harry, but she didn't hesitate to kill people left and right. Scrimgeour, Fred, Remus, Tonks, Moody, Snape... and those are just the ones I remember. ^^; GO HER. TWO: Harry is horcrux, harry is a horcrux, neener, neener, neeeeeener. CALLED IT. LIKE, AGES AGO. WINNER. Three: Snape is not evil, no really. Also, internet: why you gotta be right all the time? Friggin' Snape and Lily, and Petunia being all jealous and shit. Though the "best friends" bit was unexpected. Man, if this had been Japan, Snape and Lily would totally have ended up with each other, seeing as how they meet at least two of the three conditions- childhood friendship, and hate=love. >:p Four: Dumbledore, was, in fact, a little bit evil. I thought that had been removed from possibility with his death, but OH NO, IT WASN'T. Rowling totally brought it back. She made him friends with baby-Hitler. And also a poor care-taker of his younger siblings, a delinquent and a challenged girl. Wow. Way to go there, Rowling! Umm... there might have been more, but I forgot them. Except that Neville does, in fact, end up being AWESOME. *loves Neville*
So. I realized earlier as I was typing the whole Godric Sword-in-the-Lake thing, and thinking "King Arthur much?" (It's no basis for a system of government!), that this completely, totally, and irrevocably makes Severus Snape... the Lady of the Lake. :DDD Which is just awesome on about fifty different levels. And then she brought back the dragon in Gringotts, from the first book! Whee! I felt happier when they set it free, honestly. I was all sad for it, being chained up in that little basement corridor. And she made Ron the hero, for a little while, and brought up his jealousy issues, and, and... eee!
I loved the Radio Europe bit, too. Fred's all, "I'm gonna be 'Rapier'!" Shyah. Cause of your rapier wit, eh? I kind of like the Deathly Hallows a bit, too. What with their little fairy tale. And Krum was there, and so po'd. ^^ HAPPYHAPPY. She brought back a whole bunch of people. I admit, though, that I originally thought that the "golden-haired thief" was going to turn out to be Lockhart. I know, I know, it seems ridiculous now, but at Kate'n'Jen's Potter Panel, there was some girl that thought that Lockhart was going to be important later. ^^; But it was Grindelwald, of course. Duh.
And then. Ya know. Malfoy being not-quite-evil, but just a bit of a scumbag. And he cared about Crabbe (who totally turned out to be a git. >.< And then he died.)! But even more, Fred died, and so did TONKS AND REMUS. WHAT. Not cool. Tonks was so young! Andandand... I mean, what? PLZ TO NOT BE REPEATING THE CYCLE, KTHX.
I admit, I did actually (almost) cry at one point. Which was when Harry used the Resurrection Stone to bring back his dad and mum, and Remus and Lupin. *is a sap* Oh! That's another thing- Five: That's RIGHT, Harry died. Rock on Rowling! Exactly what I wanted her to do. And I admit, I really like the scene where he was dead, and that he thought of it as King's Cross- The Place Which Takes Him Home. (A.k.a. to Hogwarts, Land of All Good Things.) She does have a way with words, that Rowling. I had a really vivid picture in my head of a lot of the scenes; it was very cinematic. And Voldemort as the baby under the bench was cool. (Though once again, the internet kind of already went there in this one fic I read once, where Harry had MPD, caused initially by the remnant of the Killing Curse which had attached itself to him and was imagined by the rest of his personalities as a giant squalling baby thing. Internet, why you gotta be right so much?) Though I found the fact that they both ignored it a little bit unnerving. Also, I was hoping that Harry was going to have to cut off his scar to get rid of the Horcrux. *pout* (No, seriously, this fanfic had the remnant of the curse/connection continuing to grow in his head and getting bigger. It was just eerily like what Dumbledore said in the book, okay?) I mean, Harry came back, but still. He was dead. Though the fact that his chosen death granted everybody protection from Voldemort was not a trick I had expected. Because honestly, who knew it worked that way? >.>
And Neville was awesome. And Luna was awesome. (Who else now sees Luna/Dean as totally canon?) And McGonagall was awesome. And the Twins were both awesome, both together and apart. I mean, srly. "Holey"? Oh, George, I <3 you. And Percy stopped being a git and came home, just in time! And we finally met Aberforth, who turns out to have been the keeper of the Hog's Head. Did we know this before, and I just missed it or something?
And then I got to the end. And then I saw that the Epilogue was entitled "Nineteen Years Later". And I was like, "What." And I flailed a bit. (Because I get stupidly happy when I finish books anyway, and this is Harry Potter. Ten years of my life. Shut up.) And they had kids. All of them had kids, and Teddy is gonna marry Bill's daughter and just (you know it's true!). I mean. Albus Severus. Come on, Harry! You've named all of your children after dead people, doesn't that worry you. (Hermione, you've named your child after the Dark Lord Rose, doesn't that worry you? *cackles*) And Ron can drive, and come on that's just ridiculous. ^^ And Malfoy is married to some poor woman, but still has to acknowledge the others because they saved his life even though he's a git. Yay!! And Neville is a Professor at the school! I wonder if that means that Sprout died in the attacks... Man, now that I think about it, it wasn't really an informative ending. No idea of who lived or died, or what any of the survivors are doing for a living or anything. Hmm... anyway, it was a cheesy last line. And then I stood in the wicker room and I flailed and I punched the floor a bit, because I just had to. (Really, I slapped the floor, but it just doesn't sound as manly. ^^) Be end.
(GRYFFINDORO! And then there were no more spoilers in the world now. :p)