tis cinqo de mayo today

May 05, 2005 18:08

Hola! Yes, well. Today is thursday. Thursday is the day before friday and friday means the weekend. Thank goodness. On Tuesday we went on down to uvic for the holocaust symposium (spelling?). It was grand and interesting and I shed a tear or two. I was sitting in front of these bastard children from St. Andrews they laughed at everything, flirted with each other, kicked the chairs in front of them and to top it off,one of the lovely young private school darlings put a piece of (chewed) gum in my hair. Good golly, where is the respect.
Yesterday went back to drama. w00t. Not much to report there.
This girl in school acting class was grilling me on whether I was going out with Adam. She asked me about four times, in front of everyone. It's hard to ignore a question that many times. You can only pretend not to hear so many times. I don't even know her. Why do some girls think you want to share everything with them?
Today I auditioned for the Spectrum Talent show. Ha.. Ha ha!
What more can I say? Talent shows are always the same. But I haven't done a school talent show since I was 12.

Some lady just phoned my house. She was doing one of those survey things. When I'm 18 or over, I'm going to do so many telephone surveys.
I have a biology test tomorrow.
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