Brigit's Flame March Contest Week 1: Luminary

Mar 07, 2010 11:49


Fingers at the Piano
Nimble and Deft
Black and White Keys
Bold and Mellow
Crashing Sound
Sweet Melody
the Tempest
a Moonlight Sonata
the Keys that Cry
when I cannot
that Scream
because my voice
is gone
stolen away by Pain
and Grief
Stuck Inside me
at the Bottoms
in the Soles of my feet
held there by that Bile-like Flavor
of Panic
Play for me
You are my Light

the tears slowly Stream down
Blurring my Vision
Hot on my Cheeks
Salty on my Lips
Cold as they Drop
Solemnly onto my Chest
the Melody Fills me
your Fingers
your Sound
your Beautiful Creation
Soothes this Battered Soul
I walk on the Edge
it gives me Ground
when my Soul is Dark
it sheds Light
so Play for me

Display a Tumultuous Sound Taken from me
my Spirit Soars
Lifted by your Light
so Play

*This is a very experimental poem for me. I played with repetition and capitalization more than I normally would. I found that it completely throws off any rhythm. The words that are capitalized are said slower and bolder than the other words in my mind. As if they are being yelled while everything else is being whispered. It's very disconcerting even to my ears but I like it that way. I was trying to relay a feeling of brokenness and panic with it instead of say with form. I also might have stretched the word luminary to it's very limits... As always thank you for taking the time to read!

A link to the Tempest played by Sviatoslav Richter on Youtube if you like. I actually like the way that it is played by someone else better but I think this is a sweeter version.
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