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Jul 04, 2005 12:43

Hiya omfg! Cedar Point was loads of FUN!


We picked up Taylor Ali Holly Joe n Kelsey! it was a really short drive cuz we watched Pirates of the Caribean? i think lol .. Then when we got there we went to Cedar Point! We tryed to drag Taylor on the raptor but that didn't work! We went on like 10 rides then when we were on a ride it started Pouring and lighting it was pretty freaky! lol ! Then it stoppped after like 2 hours! Ali REALLLLY wanted to go on Millenium but no one wanted to right then so we made her wait.... Joe and Holly went on Dragster! you guys are freaken CRAZY!!! lol they liked it though! lol Me and Kelz were cysco and went on the water rides so we were freaking frozen! lol ... After we took Taylor on Magnum! Oh my goodness she was soooooooooooooo funn! She was turning around grabbing the head rest scream! she ws like omg omg omg OH SHIT! we were laughing soooo freaken hard! then we dragged her on the Corkscrew! btw she had never been on anything like these rides lol... but she did it! Then we lost Jordan Holly and Joe ... but they went to get this Henna thing.. we left at 10 to go to the hotel! we played uno in the lobby at called People...


We got up at like 10 for a breakfest thingy.. then went to soak City! lets say we were a lil hyper that day! Oh and this Kid got like flipped over in the slide thingy and messed up his face lol... it was kinda freaky! Then we kinda had a lil fight i guess about well yeah.... so me and Taylor just kinda sat there for a while doing nothing... Then we all went on this Family thing and my and Ali almost died lol... no not really! at like 5 we left with Sunburns ... im tan now though! We went back to Cear Point it was tons of fun! we went on magnum again and got pitcures! And we went to the Millenum to see how long the line was and OMFG we were talking to this lady and she said Chad Micheal Murray in the line and we saw the side of him! he had a black and white trucker hat on lol...Then we ate at this places where the breadsticks wouldn't brake when you threw then on the ground! then Me Ali kelsey Taylor and my mom went on the water rides and this guys was like talking to us and yeah he was a LIL freaky! lol Then we decied at like 10:30 we would go on Millenuinm! we were talking to theese people in line that the 13r. old looked like Ryan Sheckler! lol....i Sat next to Taylor idk why since she was soooooo scard! and so was I! So on the way up the hill Taylor started crying i thought we were gonna die! lol but we didn't and it was fun except i swallowed a bug and thought i was gonna throw up!lol then we had to leave but it was sooo fun! When we got home we tryed to play uno but some gay people toook our lobby so we played by the pool!

Raptor! First Day!

First Day Me Ali kelz Taylor Jordan holly Joe!

Aw! Jordan and Joe!

Wow! I look gay but oh well! Taylor Me and Kelz!

Holly and my mom!

Picture from the Magnum Ali Kelsey n Taylor n I!

Thats all for now more to come sooon!

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