unlike any other.
a winding road and rain falling in my eyes.
wanna feel raindrops inside.
pure water washing away the memories. like messages on your phone. delete all. and free space in memory. pure mind.
i don’t wanna ever feel another. just nothing.
like a spring in a desert. when you walk for too long. no water. no wind. just baking sun. just scorching sand. almost everywhere. you walk barefooted and naked. you’ve got dreadful scars and scalds. and sand in wounds. you got used. persuaded yourself that is ok. lost any hope to stay in a chilly oasis, near a brook. and than you see your dream. body ceased pain.
it is incredible, it is inconceivable, it is beyond belief.
she couldn’t believe. she was too scared that was just an illusion due to overheating and pain shock. she was too scared of her thoughts. she doubted she deserved all that she got. she couldn’t believe she could breath fresh air. drink pure cool water. rest in shadow. and be herself.