
Jun 17, 2010 18:01

I meet quite a bit of neo-nazis on Deviantart, and let me say that they're quite an interesting bunch. Flashing, seizure inducing icons of swastikas, an overall trolling, snarky attitude, and of course, their political views.
Now, there's your typical teenage douschebag who thinks it's 'pretty cool' to be a Nazi. LOL. To add further to the lulzercaust, they don't know shit about politics, nazi beliefs, the history of nazi Germany, usw. Poor, confused souls.
Then, you have people like this:
I gotta say, I'm a bleeding heart, sniffling, weak-willed socialist. I could never adhere to fascism; it just isn't me. But when you read intelligent, well thought out reasons explaining ones political positions, you can't help but have some respect towards them. It also helps that they have impressive artwork to match, bahaha. Read some of his journals, they're quite interesting (Depends how well you can handle reading opinions that are radically different from yours), as well as checking out his artwork.

That's it for now! 

nazi, politics, nazis, fascism

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