last night while dining with
dancingwolfgrrl (yum, Gargoyle's) the following observation occurred to me, and i thought i would share it with all y'all:
2007 was full of suck, and it was full of so much suck that even people who weren't directly affected by the suck were caught up in the waves of suck that covered the whole social circle.
2008 is also full of suck. but it seems to me that to a much larger extent, the suck is localized. individuals, couples, and groups that are experiencing the suck seem to be doing a better job of managing it in a good, healthy, adult manner.
none of this is meant to denigrate anyone, or to imply that seeking help and sympathy from your friends is bad, by any means. as a community, we're here to support and aid each other in times of need. what i mean to say is i feel like everyone in this community is getting better at handling the suck when it inevitably falls upon us. there's less drama being spread about, and simply a higher quotient of dealing with stuff. and that makes me really happy. if you'll forgive a moment of sarcasm, it's almost like having a bunch of friends who are adults ;)
keep up the good work, folks.