Pit Stop, G (Wilson & Cameron, gen)

Jun 18, 2007 22:06

TITLE: Pit Stop (or, one way Cameron keeps two steps behind Wilson in the race to out-run House)
AUTHOR: treelines
FANDOM & PAIRING: House, Wilson & Cameron, gen
PROMPT: #59: "When there is pain, there are no words. All pain is the same," Toni Morrison.
SUMMARY: A missing-scene fic from 3.01 Meaning. Wilson and Cameron seem to talk a lot in the background, don't they?
DISCLAIMER: Well, if I owned it, we'd at least have better lighting.
NOTES: A huge thank-you to the wonderful earlwyn for looking this puppy over and for insisting that, despite what the producers think, it isn't always about House. Herein lies some shameless gen. I am wide open to criticism, so please bring it on.
(Now crossposted to cameron_wilson.)

( "House... just asked me out for a drink." )

house fic

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