Sep 03, 2006 15:37
Just recently my wife and I have made the decision to actually have childeren. A thought that up until...well today has completely terrified me. The thought of having a tiny life completely relying on me and my wife. Though I have realized after the birth of my brothers baby that this child will have not only us but my family to give it lots of love (my wife's family is a little odd but any way)
The thing that has scared me most about having a child is me it's that I don't really feel that even at 27 I have a real good hold on my own life (though that's getting better)
The largest question that comes to mind when I think about having is a child is the question of religion. My family and myself until I was about 20 are essentialy hardcore christians some on the cusp of being domioinists. Others are genuine christians. This is where the conflict comes in when I was about 20(ish) I began turn towards the pagan path. And to be completely honest this is a fact that I have kept from my family I believe that I mentioned it once in a blog that my brother saw. So I guess that it is cocieveable that my family does know. I have made no mention of it and neither has my brother.
I guess this could be considered decieving my family but really it's none of their business. The problem is I know my parents and they will want to be a big part of my childs life. The will insist on takeing him/her to church and such. Not that this is inherrently a bad thing. I don't know...
any way I still have much time to think about these things