room 220 | late afternoon | saturday | july 25

Jul 25, 2009 18:30

In a fit of boredom, Alex had wandered back to the dorms just to give himself a change of scenery. Sure, they were moving back tomorrow but that didn't mean he couldn't come back today. He even had a reason. On the way back to the room, he'd stopped by the common room and snagged Griff's jacket, the one he'd hidden a long time ago.

Once that was done, he dropped the jacket on Griff's chair and left it there. Yeah, it'd probably give away who'd taken it but Alex didn't really care. Griff was short and brittle. It wouldn't take much to fend him off. With that finally done, he lit a cigarette and decided just to hang out for a bit. The campground wasn't going anywhere and he had time.

[open if you happen to be in the dorm, sure! griff's jacket returned with player conseeeeeeent!]

where i am: room 220, various things: griff's jacket

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