Cedar Rapids, Iowa | Monday

Sep 19, 2011 08:54

Job applications were a fucking awful thing. They were long, they were tedious and Alex hated that he actually needed a fucking job to be able to help out now that he was home. There were state programs that his mom qualified for but it wasn't enough and he felt like a lazy ass just sitting around the house. Of course, he didn't know what sort of company was gonna hire a juvenile delinquent with a high school education because he was damn sure not gonna put on a monkey suit and listen to people bitch about their cold food if he could help it.

The applications were spread out across the kitchen table and Alex had his head in one hand while he scribbled things down with the other. After so many applications, he'd taken to actually lying about some things. Sometimes, he made note that he'd traveled long and far and hadn't had a job because of that. Sometimes, he mentioned having only one lung to see if that garnered sympathy and sometimes he just enclosed a stock picture from a frame to see what that got him. It was the only thing that kept him from going insane right about now.

It was just too bad there was no one hiring that needed someone to just go punch annoying people in the face. That was a job Alex would be damn good at.

[NFB but open for calls/texts]

them what i know: rose, where i am: cedar rapids, them what i know: effy

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