Cedar Rapids, Iowa | Friday

Jul 08, 2011 08:47

For some reason, Alex was filling out a college application. The house was quiet today due mostly to his mom being at the doctor (yet again) and he'd found the application while going through the mail to get the bills paid. It had gotten to the point that he welcomed the tedious process of filling out the college app after stressing himself to a severe headache over money issues.

He needed to get a job. He needed a job but he needed to be around to help his mother. Something was gonna have to give and Alex was sure it was gonna be his head at sometime soon. The application was almost relaxing to him right now even if he had no intention of sending it in. Hell, he didn't even know which college this was for. He'd gotten a few in the mail lately and he'd mostly just tossed them. In one of her more lucid moments, his mom had tried to talk to him about college, tried to encourage him but he'd just shoved her meds at her and ignored the subject.

She hadn't been lucid since then. Alex sighed and tapped his pen against the table, staring at the myriad of questions in front of him. There was no point to this. None. With a cursed utterance of anger, he stood up, grabbing the application as he did and tossed it into the garbage can.

Right now, he just wanted to get drunk.

[NFB but open for calls/texts]

the angst for today is: mommy issues, them what i know: emma, where i am: cedar rapids

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