Room 220 | Afternoon | Wednesday | March 3

Mar 03, 2011 10:05

It wasn't until he got Rose's voicemail that Alex realized he'd missed his own fucking birthday. Yesterday, he turned nineteen years old. And he'd completely forgotten about it under the weight of everything else going on.

Today, Alex wasn't doing much better in trying to celebrate. He'd gotten in touch with his mother via phone and listened to her babble nonsensically for a few minutes before asking who he was. Alex had hung up quickly after that, having not wanted to face how much that continued to hurt.

Aaron's text message wishing him a 'happy birthday' was a slight mood lifter. Still, Alex wasn't really feeling the party spirit which sucked. He didn't publicize his birthday but he didn't like feeling all dour and moody about it either. Maybe he'd go out a little later and go on a bender. It'd been awhile since he'd done that.

For now, he was just bumming around his room, chain smoking and pacing while reading a book. He was a total party animal.

[I missed Alex's birthday, oops! Door and post are open and if you think you'd know it was his birthday, feel free to have that info!]

them what i know: karla, them what i know: bobby, where i am: room 220, them what i know: emma

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