Hi folks!
pulsar4529 was kind enough to pass this comm onto me. So I'm the new mod/maintainer and what I really would like to do is try and get this comm going with another ficathon as it's been a year since the last one.
However I realise there's so much going on at the moment and soon it will be time for the Christmas gift ficathons that really trying to do one before the end of the year is going to be tricky. So at the moment I am thinking if trying one early next year, perhaps February or March. It would be a mix of Fraser/Vecchio slash and if there's enough interest gen too. But that will be discussed in a another post.
For now I want to gauge interest and to that end here's a poll:
Poll Would you be interested in a new Fraser-Vecchio Ficathon? I really welcome any comments you may have on this.