Nov 25, 2005 12:28
looking to buy a drink cause I frogot to bring some water. I'm feeling pretty good cause todays going to be a light work day cause I got a new job starting next monday. Its a change I'm looking forward to. I'm really tired of my current job and as I look at the selections of drinks I'm growing prety tired of them. Not in a cola mood and I'm not nursing a hang over so fresca is out of the question. my eyes finally come to a stop at the bottom right hand corner of the fridge and there it is. V8. I hate V8. Well I've never actually tried it but I've heard enought bout it to form a close minded opinion based on hear say on and that close minded opinon just so happens to be hatred. But I'm feeling good and a feeling down for somehting new so I figure why the hell not. I look at the label and it says serve hot or cold. I guess Thats quite the bonus coke doens't taste very good hot. Says it says 3 full servings of vegetables per can. I've never read the label on a can of coke but I'm fairly sure it has less vegetable servings in it. So I buy the can of V8 bring it back to my desk and read the label a little more. It says to shake can but after years of drinking soda I'm way to gun shy to shake anything in a can and pop the top without turning it upside down and tapping on it for a few minutes so I just decide to leave that part out.
So I open the can and look inside and it looks ok. Kind of a Redish orange. Smells ok. Maybe I was wrong. Then I start to think, what if I was wrong about V8? What if I'm wrong about all the things I hate but have never actually tried? What if perogie pizza and east Indian food really are good? So I take my first sip.
It tastes like shit. Its first two ingreadiants are carrot juice and tomato paste of course it tastes like shit. I didn't need to buy a can and try it to know I don't like it. Just like I don't need to go out and try curry to know it tastes like shit, I can smell. I don't need any first hand experiance to know you don't put fucking perogies on a pizza.
So I'm looking at the can and thinking I think I'd rather drink my own vommit than take another sip. I'm serious to, saw a guy at Wise guys on campus do it, didn't looke to bad, alot better than tomato/carrot juice