JimmyLstyles: i beaned you with a basketball once
JimmyLstyles: at recess
Wingers91: well im glad you remember that
JimmyLstyles: i remember hiding after hittin you hopin you wouldnt know it was me
JimmyLstyles: lol
Wingers91: man i hate you now
Wingers91: you messed my brain up
Wingers91: for THE REST OF MY LIFE
JimmyLstyles: YESSSSSS
JimmyLstyles: do you vaguely remember getting hit in the head with a basketball
JimmyLstyles: the bell rang, and i threw up a one armed desperation shot from across the yard
JimmyLstyles: and it missed the backboard, missed the entire side of the school, and hit you in the head
JimmyLstyles: lol
Wingers91: ahh could have been a dodgeball or a basketball, i didnt have eyes in the back of my head
Wingers91: haah thaanks
JimmyLstyles: figured id confess that some day
Wingers91: i know where you sleep at night james paul lourenco
... JimmyLstyles: i got this problem, with hittin people in the head
Wingers91: your just a cold hearted beast
Wingers91: that hits lil girls and boys in the head
JimmyLstyles: ruthless
JimmyLstyles: i like that word
Wingers91: then runs away like a mexican across the border
JimmyLstyles: WTF
JimmyLstyles: im not mexican
Wingers91: and we dont find out til YEARS later who that man was
JimmyLstyles: im confessing
Wingers91: the man that caused years of pain and suffering
JimmyLstyles: i had to own up to it some time
Wingers91: ill see you in Court!!
good thing me and the jimmajamma have been tight since Kindergarden...It just took 10 year for him to come clean haha