Apr 13, 2004 18:03
Guess what... I'm going to Australia!!! Lalalalalalala! My dad allowed me! Woohoo! But.... (yes, there always HAS to be a "but"...) He's cancelling BORA!!! :( :( :( 'Cause he's leaving for America...for good. :(
I should be sad now, shouldn't I? Well I'm not. I'll have lots of time to grieve when he's actually gone na. In the mean time........ I gotta get ready for the luau! I bought this skirt that kinda makes me look like a gypsy. Hahahaha! Nah, i think it's ayrt. Actually... I felt kinda awkward about going at first, since i thought it was like a pbnr thing...but Rox said it's not daw and she wants me to go...so...Oh well. I'm going! Haha! Manoy Toff's about to pick me up... It's kinda cool 'cause i get to meet their guy barkada..F9 i think? Yeah... I'm scared! Ahh! Hahaha! Ohkay, gotta go now.. I'll write about how it goes later...