1. I rented the entire series of Gundam Wing. Let's see how gay this show is. I was an ~*innocent*~ het canon loving girl the first time I watched this anime if you know what I mean.. *ahem*
2. Shinn Asuka is a character with a serious case of sister complex, having half of the series bawling for his sister? and the other half mourning over his crazy batshit girl friend. I am still wishing for his dead, crushed by Gundam's feet btw. He's not a lovable retard like Yzak :[. And lol @
ninprime for calling Rey as 'Barbie'. He indeed looks like a barbie doll, with slim body and kira-kira sara-sara blond hair rofl.
3. Haruka4? ORDER IT OR NOT? WII OR PS2 version? Or better yet, do not buy it and get Persona 4 first? OTL, me and my poor gaming budget. I want to play booootttthhh!!!!
4. Just rewatched Hairspray with Linda, and thanks to
this certain fst, now I imagine Lelouch singing in
this scene instead of Zac Efron. "test drive this brittanian Japanese mannnnnn!!!" - hell yeah I'm in!
5. Deleted majority of my old icons then give them new format of keywords. And yes, the thing in my default icon is an Overflag /0/. SO HAWT.
6. I frikkin love this Mr. H icon. THANK YOU LIZ!! &hearts
7. [edit]
1. Reply to THIS post, and I will select four or five of your userpics that I like.
2. Make a entry and talk about the icons I have chosen.
3. Other people will then comment on your entry and you will do the same as I have done for you.
4. Thus creating a NEVER ENDING of icon faggotry.
I rewatched Kino recently and ordered some of the discounted novel, orz. I must say that I'm a fan of Kouhaku's illustration, they are so beautiful and so fitting for a series like Kino <3
Obligatory KHR icon because Hibari doesn't need love /o/.
Lovable Jii-san from Sengoku Basara. I know this icon is ugly but I love crotch shots lol j/k.
If I can name an icon artist who's really good at using darker textures, then it will be
airborn, I love her creations so much it's hurt. Like this FE icon! &hearts
Because the original illustration just scream "MOLEST ME, MADAM". Man, I really love Yzak (therefore icon!?)