Aug 02, 2008 15:17

Btw guys, can you believe and actually purchase a boobs enlargement device (?) in a departement store if the (female) sales person is as flat as board? No offense, really, but this sales person was like 'OMG YOUR BREAST IS SO SMALL!! YOU SHOULD USE THIS PRODUCT!!11!' to my friend when we was walking in the TV Shopping alley. DDDD8.

Sooo in before everyone goes : "OMG MARU, STOP THAT, STOP WASTING MOAR MONEYZ!!11! DD8"-all the way (and before IRL friends goes "OMG MARU, WHY YOU NEVER HANG OUT WITH US LATELY!??" seriously, I has no money left except for basic stuffs like food and transportation fee)

They came!
Yay my favorite Sengoku Basara pairing is on the cover~ and they are facing the summer of love!!! *getting butt kicked* 8'D. I don't buy art book that much but this Amatsuki artbook is unbearable to me, since I love love lovvveee the art of the manga and having only the scans left me unsatisfied so I went and order the actual copy!

The colors used for the artwork are eeeeeeeee &hearts, I can't get enough of it! I'm usually a fan of calm or darker colors, but I adore Takayama's bright colors like whoa! KAPAN GW BISA NGEWARNA KAYAK GITU!?? KAPANNNNNN!??? One thing that worries me is the fragile binding... you are so right about that Sou ;A;.

rant, animanga, pointless

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