It's not important, but he looked a bit like me

Feb 11, 2008 17:03

Once aging the internet proved that it's a small fucking village. And in that small fucking village I seem to be the Decemberists insider. Or at least 'the internet' says so:
Click and scroll down to the comments for the hilarity. Apparently my LJ is a source for insider information now, huh? And I wasn't even writing about the same cancellation as brooklynvegan.
Maybe I should start friendslocking my stuff, how does one go about doing that anyway? Do you lock every entry separately or is there a special button you can press to friendslock your journal somewhere? I'm undecided yet, but please inform me.
Meanwhile I'll keep on laughing and hope nobody really depends on me for information, as if I was sharing inside scoop with the world el oh el.
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