Travel: Seattle, September 1st - 17th 2011, Part 3/5

Oct 15, 2011 10:43

After a one week break, I'm back, sorting through more pictures. Should be well over half way done now! This is a very, very picture heavy post. 30 pictures, or so!

Day 6; September 6, 2011 - Boeing, Outlet Mall

No pictures for this day. We first went to the Boeing manufacture where we were visitors thanks to my sister having an employee pass. Naturally, we could not take any pictures, so I didn't even try to bring my camera.

We were given a very interesting tour by one of her colleagues and were able to see the inside of Lufthansa's new Boeing 747-8, as well as planes in various stages of assembly.

After the Boeing tour, we spent the rest of the day at the outlet mall. My haul: A pair of Hilfiger jeans, Adidas track pants, a shirt and a pair of lovely Skechers. All that for ~$100. Go me.

I went to be early that night because I had to get up at something like 4am for...

Day 7; September 7, 2011 - San Francisco!

My flight to San Francisco left at 7:33am, so I got a shuttle to pick me up at 4:45am. The flight was thankfully on time - usually, I don't worry much about that, but when you only got a day in a city and want to fly back on the very same day... the flight better is on time.

I got into SF downtown by 10:30am where I waited 30 minutes to catch one of these:

And it was definitely worth the money and the wait! I took a ride from Powell Street down to Fisherman's Wharf. By the way, few days before my flight to SF, we watched Wheel of Fortune. The solution for an "event" was "Riding the cable car to Fisherman's wharf. I was very much amused by that.

Here are some pictures I took during the ride:

Steeeeeep streets. Wouldn't want to hike up those!

The brake/go mechanism. Pretty cool!

Drying laundry - the oldfashioned way!

Once I was down at Fisherman's Wharf, I went in search of food. I had a delicious crab cocktail. And a very lovely view.

Always foggy...

Looking back... this is where I came from.


The actual purpose of going down to the bay, however, was to take a one-hour bay cruise with the Red & White Fleet that would take me underneath the Golden Gate Bridge and around Alcatraz.

Also very much worth the money.

Still foggy! Just different, this time.

The San Francisco skyline.

Under the Bridge...

Alcatraz... and the skyline.

And Alcatraz again.

After the cruise, the battery of my camera died. I really need to get a replacement battery! Because this won't do. So I took the next picture with my phone.

The bay bridge... so it won't have to feel all neglected.

The rest of the afternoon was spent getting sun-burnt. I rode a historic street car back to downtown. Which was also a lot of fun. Visited Union Square and the Westfield Center, where I had a break with a bottle of water and a cookie from the Nordstrom espresso bar.

I also know now where all the German tourists go to - San Francisco! Seems like every second tourist spoke German.

The flight back was, again, uneventful and I as it was late, I went pretty much straight to bed.

Day 8; September 8, 2011 - Space Needle, Science Center, Gum Wall

In the morning we went to the Pacific Science Center. It was included in the City Pass - including an Imax 3D film. I don't think it would've been worth it otherwise, as it was very much aimed at children. Interesting... but not worth the full price of admission. Unless you have children, of course.

I've always wondered what these strange arches are that you could see on panorama images of Seattle. Now I know!

My favourite part of the Science Center was, however, the butterfly house!


Pretty Strange.

Next, we went up the Space Needle. Again with the City Pass which allowed for one admission during daylight, and one at night/dusk.

Space Needle in the morning.

Skyline from up above. Where the cheated! No Space Needle! ;-)

And the gasworks park again - this time looking at it from the Space Needle. I'm amusing myself with the thought that someone there might've been taken pictures of the Space Needle at the same time.

Once mother earth had us back again, we took the monorail back to downtown and went to the harbour. And the gum wall!

Ew ;-)

Of course, I had to contribute as well:

Mine! Hah!

Mounted police officer who happily posed for pictures.

We met up with my sister for dinner at Duke's Chowder House. Which was very delicious. I had the 3-Dhingy-Sampler, because I couldn't decide! We could sit outside, with a good view of Lake Union and the water planes taking off and landing.

Once we were all fed, we went back to the Space Needle (by car this time) for our night trip up the tower.

Sun is slowly setting...

Playing around with the miniature effect of my camera! I think it's pretty cool, actually.


More of the gorgeous sunset.

Seattle at night... pretty colourful!

Looking back. Good night!

travel: san francisco 2011, trips 2011, photographs, travel: seattle 2011, travel, trips

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