Assorted geekery

Mar 25, 2011 23:46

I've been feeling quite geeky lately, and I HAVE to share some of these links with you:

First there's Mathematical Doodling!. Doodle games that include things like Pascal's triangle, the Ulam spiral and Apollonian gaskets with Infinity Elephants! Also Graph Theory with SNAKES ON A PLANE.

And from Vi's page I got to the Tau Manifesto explaining why PI is WRONG. No, really, pi is wrong! If you use Tau where Tau = 2*Pi, most equations that involve Pi, originally, will become a lot more elegant - and we all know that Math and equations are all about elegance an beauty.

And don't worry if you start worrying now about Euler's identity. You'll soon see why e^tau*i=1+0, thus still containing the 5 most important numbers in mathematics.

So, join us and celebrate Tau Day on June, 28. Think about it - since Tau = 2*Pi, you'll get to eat two pi(es)!

mathematics, geekery

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