
Oct 18, 2007 13:05


I'm going to switch my health insurance to another company. I just called them and yes, it's true what taleonmahal said, they'll cover the vaccination against cervical cancer, or rather a form of HPV that causes the cancer in most cases, until I'm 27.

That means, if I do the switch now etc, I can start getting vaccinated in January and get at least the first 2 of 3 vaccinations covered. I might have to pay the last one, but that'd be "only" 160€ compared to 480€ all in all.

Yay! And yay for reducing the risk of cervical cancer! :)

(My current insurance company is only covering this vaccination until your 18. Oy. And for anyone curious, the one I'm switching to is the Techniker Krankenkasse. Not cheaper than my current one, but much, much better service)

ETA: Turns out my current insurance company will pay too if I get an attestation from my OBGyn that the vaccination still makes sense in my case O.O (I presume it means that I'm not already infected with HPV). I've just been there... so next week I can go again just to get a stupid piece of paper (and thus get it all started a bit earlier). Yay. Not.


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