There's currently a lot going on, despite me being still on sick leave. Again, not wanting to jinx anything, so not saying anything until it's more "secure" ;-)
Anyway, assorted pictures for the catch-up! Flowers, geekery, patronage (is that a word)?
My orchid is blooming! By now, the second bud has blossomed.
I'm a Patron of the Arts! Well, at least where Die Kammer is concerned. This was a cool promo - they need money, so you could order their new album at an increased price and get it signed and this shirt and a pin with it.
Or you could (what I also did) get a song of your choice written by hand. I only recently chose the song, so I'm still waiting for that.
And people who did that are "Patrons of the Arts" ;)
My wall clock! My sister actually gave me this a few years ago, but I think I never showed it off here. Yay, geeks!
I just love the smell of hyacinths. So of course I bought one, now that it's time for that again. Too bad they really only bloom once...
And last but not least, my second of three puzzles is done!