Sittin' in the ACCESS Lab

Jan 26, 2006 12:17

I'm a little out of it right now. Just had my first test. Started out a lot better than it finished. Finger's crossed, though. There's pizza in the ACCESS Center right now. I had a piece, but my stomach was already pretty full from all that chips and dip last night.

Tyla from work had me go to her play the other night. $10 for dinner and play. It was a political/whorehouse-related/murder-mystery thing. I wouldn't have paid the $10 if I had it to do over again, but it wasn't bad. I'd never been to a play before. It was at Jeff High in the cafeteria. We got baked spaghetti, a breadstick, some lettuce (salad), and a burnt tasting sugar cookie for dessert. Granted, they had better looking desserts; I think I just picked the wrong one. Anyway, she said that night that someone rummaged through all of the girls' stuff back in the dressing room, and some girl was missing $40. Of course, she also said that this had happened before and I wasn't suprised being that it was Jeff. She seemed to believe that one of the girls in the play had something to do with it.

In other news, Brittany's getting more hours finally. Or atleast that's what Michelle said. We should find out next week. Yay for her. She was going to quit if Michelle wouldn't give her hours back. I would've been sad.

Joseph's been visiting me at work a lot. It's gone a long way to making me happier with our relationship. Instead of seeing him for like 5 minutes while I'm half-awake in the morning before he leaves and then coming home after closing and him being sacked out on the couch already asleep... We've got got it worked out with his work so that he goes in a little later (and therefore works later) and gets off right around 7pm every night, comes and sees me at work, then goes home and does housework, chills, or hangs with john until I get home. And since he's going in later, he's actually awake when I get home at night, and we've been able to spend more time together that way. I told him today I was really feeling a lot more positive and less stressed out day to day. The stress factor is helped by the fact that Michelle's got me working 6 days now instead of 5. Instead of working 7 hours a day, it's 4 or 5, and that helps SOOOO MUCH!

DJ got fired the other day. I don't know why they didn't like him. He was a really nice guy, probably the coolest black dude I've ever met. I'm not saying that in a prejudiced way at all, btw. It's more like I was just raised without any other races around me, and you know, my high school only had 3 or 4 black kids total, so I was never really exposed. I guess I just feel like I don't understand the culture, and because of that, I have problems understanding the people. I just never understood all the gangsta, hip-hop stuff. Allyson, a black girl I worked with at work, always made fun of me (in a sweet way) for just being so undeniably white. And when I really sit down and think about it, you know, I am. It sucks. I hate feeling like there's a social group that I cannot relate to, because I'm the kind of person who has always gotten along with all kinds of people. I'm really tolerant, accepting, and I like to think I'm a very caring person in general. It just bugs me. But anyway, I have no idea why they fired DJ. Probably cuz Jeanny didn't like him. Dunno. Oh well. Night shift <3's you at Subway, DJ!!!

Forensic Psych starts at 1pm. My leg is asleep. I feel bleh. I shouldn't have eaten that pizza. I need to call David, Heather, Cassie, Brittany, Beth.


And that's about it.

I love my schedule this semester.
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