
May 24, 2007 20:43

I've been wanting to post for a few days but I hadn't really thought about how to word what I've been thinking. I've been thinking a few things that I would like to hear your thoughts on. To help me understand things a bit better.

So first point **
Eating Disorders...Does anyone know of anyone who has ever had one and what happened to them? Their wellbeing and their life etc...
This thought brought on by last weekend. At the centre where I am doing my pretend job of cooking, they have civillian (sp?) toilets and staff toilets. Someone has lost our staff toilet so we have to go the civies. Anyway last Saturday I went to the loo coz I was busting for a wizz, and while I was sitting there minding my own business, replying to an sms. Someone else was in the loo, I heard a constant flush, cough a few burps and what I thought was a tap running. Wrong answer...It was someone chucking up their guts. Thank god for having a blocked nose or things would have gotten messy. The thing with public toilets is the fact that everything echos and it's just not a pleasant thing to hear when you have a headache that is brewing.

Anyway I discussed this with my sister and a few of the other staff. My sister swears that it happens on a regular basis at different times of the day, at least two or three times a day. A couple of the other staff have heard it all before too. I swear to god I am never using a public toilet again! I guess it's completely up to you what you do in the toilet but fuck if you've got some kind of eating disorder, fucking do something about it. I guess the kicker is the fact that the person probably doesn't think they have a problem and believes it normal to go throw up after they eat. I'm trying to understand the psychological side of eating disorders. I just don't understand how people can think it's normal. But please, help me out guys!

Point two ***

What attracts us to the people we are attracted to? What is it about humans that yeah attracts us to the type of people we are attracted to?

This brought on by an interesting conversation I had with one of my clients tonight. He suggested that, in straight relationships, people seek the people they do in an attempt to go back to our hunter gatherer days where we chose the fitter partner to help reproduce and evolve I guess. I suggested the whole pheremones thing, and he said that apparantly studies have been done that state that humans don't have that part in the brain that allows us to respond to pheremones like that in animals. But I'm like...dude we're animals too. He's like yeah I know but I guess that's just us humans being egotistical and not wanting to accept that we are animals. Do all the same rules apply to gay people and who we are attracted to? Thoughts anyone?

Point three ***

What is your definition of cheating? Would you be more hurt if your partner cheated on you for someone of the same sex or someone of the opposite sex?

Brought on by talking to the same guy, stemming from the conversation we previously had about who we chose to sleep with etc.

And there is more but I will address it in a different post as it has absolutely no relevance to any of this...The floor is yours guys, I want to hear your thoughts!
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