Since we're going to be busy tomorrow... this has to be posted a day early! ✽:。(*→௰◕)♡(◕௰←*)゚.+✽ Yes, we come today with 2 more chapters from Asou Kai-sensei's No, you na. book 4! Here are chapter 16 and chapter 17... The truth has come out at last.
Members-only download! Click the images below as usual... (❛ ◡ ❛)❤
Non-members, please scroll down to get your free download links, or go to MangaGo to read these chapters!
This also marks 2/3 of the book as done. You know what it means, right? One more release and we will be closing book 4 and move on to Idol Kinsei, which is halfway done. The next No, you na. book will be available roughly spring of next year. (*´▽`*)ノ⌒☆
Non-members download links:
Chapter 16 |
Chapter 17 |