It's weekend again... and we have a double release ...again! ^^
Here we bring you the long-awaited 4th chapter of Noboru-sensei's Adeiro Yuugi. ^^v
The series is now a joint-project between Shinmakoku Scanlations and Silver Lining Scanlations~
So you can also read this in Russian, thanks to Silver Lining! ^^b
The second release is Asou-sensei's Kiga au to iu koto wa, the 2nd chapter!
We are nearing the end of the story... what will happen to these 2 best friends? ^^
We hope your weekend will be full of fun... and before we forget...
HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR! <3 新年快樂 !!! m(_ _)m
May you have a wonderful and prosperous new year ahead!
For our MangaGo readers:
We are very sorry that we can no longer update/upload into MangaGo,
and you can read the reasons here :, as I have stated in all my replies in MangaGo, our hearts are not made of stone.
If you want us to continue uploading/updating our releases into MangaGo though, you need to work on it.
Go to and scroll down
until you find CREATE A NEW TOPIC box, then write your request for us "to continue updating".
The comment must be made as a NEW TOPIC, not as a reply. ^^ And it must be a positive comment.
There have to be AT LEAST 30 POSITIVE REQUEST TOPICS (starting from today), before we will continue our updates on MangaGo.
(We will not count NEGATIVE topics and ANONYMOUS topics... sorry!!)
WHY? Because King Yuri says it is useless to update there if no one is reading and our works are taken for granted. ^^
So we need to know how many readers are actually waiting and wanting the updates. So go for it. Good luck.