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Sep 26, 2005 16:24

I love movies. I also hate them. I just spent the last 15 minutes checking out some new trailers and I'm frustrated to find that, once again, hollywood script writers are mining superior stories from novels for the silver screen. I find it sort of surprising that Myla Goldberg's best-selling debut, Bee Season, was optioned by Fox Searchlight, but unsurprising, based on the two minute trailer and the six minute featurette, that the Fox figureheads, directors, and script adapters seemed to have completely missed the crux of the book's success. The book worked due to the main character's emotional detachment and inability to fully understand the reactions of her family due to being written off, and subsequently fulfilling the role, as the dimwitted child until the discovery of her one apparent gift, spelling, transforms the family dynamic. It's clear from the trailers that the focus of the movie is on Richard Gere's (Richard Gere?!!!? What the fuck...?) portrayal of Saul Neumann which can only destroy the balance of the story. Also, religion and Aaron Neumann's rebellion don't seem to play into the movie version at all, unless this was just left out of the trailer and teaser. Silly. These were both huge parts of Bee Season's web. I wonder what Myla Goldberg thinks about it.

Everything s Illuminated also has a movie version coming out, but it seems to me the folks behind its production were able to transfer some of the absurdest feel of the book to the screen. It does appear, in parts, to completely cop Wes Anderson's style, which could be worse, and I'm sure they won't find a way to keep the interesting family time-line excursion from the main story intact. My guess is that they just sliced that whole part out.

Oh, the Goblet of Fire looks awesome. This is something I cannot wait for.
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