An Interview With Book Marketing Expert, L. Diane Wolfe

Apr 20, 2009 15:36

A big welcome to L. Diane Wolfe, an author who is a wiz at all things involving book marketing!

Hi Diane, I'm glad you could stop by today!  I first heard you speak about book marketing at the Book ‘Em literacy event in Waynesboro, VA.  I remember learning an incredible number of things from your talk about online marketing.  Could you tell us a little about your background and how you came to know so much about book marketing?

I had to learn marketing quickly when I self-published several years ago. I devoured every book on the subject, researched the Internet, and signed up for every marketing tips newsletter I could locate. I began getting a lot of questions from other authors and writers, so when another author suggested I put together a seminar, I compiled the basics into one three-hour presentation. I’ve taught that seminar for over two years now and continue to add and refine it every few months. I probably should write a book on the subject…

You should!  I know a lot of authors who would be interested in reading it.  What are your top five online book marketing “must do’s” for authors?

You must know where your target audience hangs out.

You must have a website and/or blog.

You must be involved in 1-3 social sites.

You must be willing to contribute several articles a month to other sites, newsletters and online magazines.

You must search for new opportunities for exposure every single day - and network, network, network!

These all seem fairly simple, but it amazes me how many authors fail to do any of those things. And online efforts must be matched with physical promotions as well.

What is your best advice for authors who are interested in setting up their own virtual book tour?

Setting it up yourself is best! You need to be very active with blogging and on a couple social sites as well. Seek out other blogs and websites that cater to your specific audience and ask if they will post an interview or guest article. Reviews and book giveaways are fun, too! This needs to be done several months in advance, and a good tour will have around 15-20 stops over the course of a month.

You have a jam packed speaking schedule!  How did you manage to land so many events, and what is your advice for authors who would like to do the same?

I once heard that authors really make their money through speaking engagements - and guess what? it’s true!

Start small, such as speaking to a local book club or writer’s group. Speak at libraries, to civic groups - anyplace someone will have you! Develop a specific topic(s) on which you speak and start building a platform for yourself. That is what will take you beyond “I’m an author and here’s my book.” A non-fiction book on that subject will really add to your credibility, because it establishes you as an expert. In the beginning, speak for free - paid speaking engagements come once you’ve established yourself.

I’ve been speaking for many years now and enjoy it even more that being an author. The opportunity to inspire crowd to believe in themselves is so fulfilling! A separate website now showcases me as a speaker - - and I am a member of the National Speakers Association. It’s just amazing the opportunities that arise now. In May, I am speaking at a health event outside of DC with keynote speaker, Michelle Obama!

Michelle Obama - that is incredible!  But with so many events on your calendar, how do you manage to find time to write?

I like to say that I balance the chaos! I have always been a sporadic writer - I write every day, but not at a specific time or place. So, it’s been fairly simple to integrate that into my schedule, although I still wish I had more time to do so!

You have a newsletter on your website.  How important are newsletters for authors?

Newsletters are vital in that they keep your fans updated on events and releases. They can’t be all promotion though, or you’ll lose people. I’m still tweaking my newsletter, but from day one I featured another author in every issue. I am going to add another section soon with uplifting quotes & articles, which ties in with the spirit of my YA series. Just as with a blog, readers are seeking either information or entertainment, and as authors we must give them one or the other. (Both if you can pull it off!)

There are many ways to set up a newsletter.  I use Vertical Response for my own Children’s Book News Email.  How is yours set up?  How do you attract subscribers?

I am probably moving to Constant Contact here soon, as mine’s just through my own email system. (And that gets fun trying to send out over 1000 newsletters over the course of a day!)

My subscribers come from two places - those that sign up on my website and those that sign up at my events. That’s why a newsletter sign-up sheet is so important!

I understand you have a new book coming out. Would you tell us a little bit about it?

Book II of The Circle of Friends comes out May 5th- Cinco de Mayo!  Described as “encouragement personified”, my five-book, Southern-based series portrays love and friendship overcoming all obstacles. Aimed at YA, Book II follows Sarah:

The Circle of Friends, Book II…Sarah

May 5, 2009, ISBN 9780981621012

from Dancing Lemur Press, L.L.C.

No awards for second best…

A student at Georgia Tech, Sarah Martin is bold, intelligent, and appears destined for a career in biochemistry. But her poor self-image has been masked by behavior unbecoming to a young lady brought up in an affluent Southern family. Estranged from her father, envious of her best friend’s perfect life, Sarah feels inadequate and unable to measure up to expectations.

When a friendship suddenly turns romantic, Sarah questions herself even more. A future NFL receiver, Matt’s joyful spirit and social status appear beyond her reach. Yet beneath his eager smile and playboy antics lies a young man hiding in shadows and desperate to trust again.

Faced with challenges, they must help each other come to terms with past disappointments before insecurities and doubt threaten to sabotage their future.

Of the five books, this one is definitely the most personal, because I was very much a Sarah! In reading her story, I hope that young people will realize they possess value and worth and do not have to suffer from a low self-image. We are all special!

To find out more about this series,

Thanks for all the great tips today, Diane!  Best wishes for Book II of The Circle of Friends! To learn more about L. Diane Wolfe (aka "Spunk on a Stick"), check out Diane's websites:

sarah, l. diane wolfe, biochemistry, book marketing, websites, spunk on a stick, blogging, circle of friends

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