May 05, 2007 18:34
DANG live journal...its been too long. wayy too long.
dahhh, only 2 more clinical days, crazy. i remember in the beginning of the semester, i was like "how the hell am i gonna pull this off". my teacher makes me sweat, foreels. when i'm talking to her about my meds, i sweat hardcore. hahah thats kinda grosse, but its the truth. in the beginning, she told us she was going to push us, and push us hard. and she did, and maybe thats why i sweat. but its good, i feel like she's really brought me to another level. i feel a tad more confident in what i do and why i do it. highlight of my most recent clinical: lady w/ preeclampsia, status post c-section like 2 weeks ago and hasnt seen the baby since. infected incision site, pus drainage...the works. they surprised her by bringing the baby whos staying in the NICU and it was thee cutest baby. you know how some babies are ugly until they're like a few months old...this baby was so amazingly cute already. i wanted to stay longer & look at it, but i left so they can have some privacy. then after clinical, we went to alcapulco to have some margaritas cuz we were all sooo tired and just wanted some alcohol....and we met the manager who graduated from long beach in 99 in nursing. he did like 8 years in ped's and ER. he's now the manager of alcapulco...what a trip! he said he actually makes more money working as a manager. he told us a million stories about some craaaaazy ass shit, and he was flamingly gay so it was even better! (i <3 gays). so anyways, 2 more days....1 day w/ the WOC nurse & 1 patient care. i'm so effing excited for summer!! chicago! vegas! my bday! its gonna be amazing!
soooo, this semester is coming to an end and it was probably one of THEE most emotional rollercoasters EVER. if i learned one thing, i learned about friendship, thats for sure. i learned that sticking up for your friends is one of the most important things you can ever do for them, second to being there for them in a time of desperate need. these two things i lacked, and i feel like i've lost an exceptional friendship, one of the best i've ever had. i know its totally my fault, but i feel like things have evolved so much over this whole ordeal that you cant just snap it back into place. i always pray for my relationship with her to be healed some how, and i really hope it does. i dont know what its going to take, but i'm just trying to be hopeful. friendship is something i'll never take for granted ever again. it just sucks that i had to learn in the hardest way imaginable. and i guess it doesnt help that i'm not the confrontational type either....i'm not that girl who will make time to talk about things. i dont know why, its not me. i just let things come up as they come. whether i'm right or wrong about that, we'll see.
lastly, you know when you want something so bad, and you dream and wish and pray it will come true? and then it doesnt happen...well i'm in a situation kinda like that, where i'm waiting to hear. i know i long for it to happen, but ever since i've been let down by this one thing, i always feel like i'm not that girl who gets what she wants. i'm not that girl that good things happen to. i'm just not that person that lucks out...well not anymore at least. so i guess i'm just going to be negative about it so when it doesnt happen to me, i wont be so sad.
so theres my update livejournal...sorry i've neglected you due to my xanga. haaha