Annoyed...completely annoyed...

Jun 26, 2003 22:21

GRRRRR So I spent a few hours straining my eyes with my computer screen, looking at colleges. Colleges, colleges, collges! DAMMIT, I knew I should have looked weeks ago. I'm such a procrastinator. I HATE IT. UGH I have no clue, where I am going in the fall. I know I'm not going back to that shithole Dominican University. I don't have enough credit to transfer to another university, including UC schools or state schools. I considered applying as a first-time freshman, but I really, really don't want to do that. Plus, it's kinda late to apply anywhere even. :-( This is so frustrating. I don't want to go to Delta College. If I have to go to a JC, I'm going somewhere out of Stockton. No way I'm going to Delta. GRR My mother isn't even helping anything. She keeps bringing up shit that doesn't even matter right now. I owe her $250 for going over my minutes on my phone. I'm STILL jobless. Could things get any worse for me? Dammit, I have no clue what I'm gonna do.

I mowed the front lawn today. My neighbor's daughter's stupid fucktard boyfriend was there again. That fucker really knows how to piss me off. First off, about three or four incidents in the passed month or so, he parked his ugly loooong ass pimpmobile lowrider half way in our fucking driveway. Well, I already know he's an inconsiderate prick. However, all these times he was parked there, when everyone thought his car was really wasn't. He and his fat ass girlfriend were sitting...or laying I should his car. I wanted to say something the second time it happened, but I refused to stoop to his level. I'm fed up. It's getting really old. Last week, when I mowed the lawn, they were just sitting in his car...talking. Talking. At 9:30pm? How nice. So...I minded my own business and kept mowing. I caught the stupid northeño vato and his gf watching me. I glanced over at them. He stared even harder. Why you lookin, ass? Never seen a girl mow the lawn before? I know I'm skinnier than your gf, but must you look at me, when she's next to you? LOL *sarcasm* So, he started the car and drove away. Tonight was a bit different. I'm mowing the lawn, when all of a sudden the stupid gangster decides to come out. He's lookin at me...almost as though he's trying to make sure I notice him. He takes off his shirt and just 'chills' by the side of my house. Again, what are you lookin at fucker? I swear to God he thinks he's scares me, but he fucking doesn't. If he pulls another stunt with his shitty car or gf, I'm gonna say something because it's gone far enough. Yeah, ignore them, people say. I've ignored them for a month now. I think it's time someone told the dickhole to have some respect. Period.
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