I'm trying something new, today. I'm doing the Tuesday Twosome meme, which can be found over at this place:
http://captive-heart.com/tuesdaytwosomememe/. I thought the questions were interesting, and these writing prompts remind me of all the fun I had in my eighth grade English class. As part of the class, we had weekly journals to do with prompts we could choose from. I was going through this phase where I absolutely couldn't stop writing, and so I enthusiastically dug into all of my writing assignments with a weird sort of glee. Now, I only write when I have to, or when I'm bitching about something or another on here. Either way, I figured I'd try it out for a change of pace.
1. Do you ever feel overwhelmed, and if so, how do you deal with it?
This is a running theme in my life, and that shows up quite a bit on here. I think I'm only driven to write when I am overwhelmed, sad, angry, indignant, you name it. When I'm happy about stuff, I'm off enjoying the moment... and often, I don't really take time to focus on my happy feelings. However, when I'm miserable, it seems like I have all the time in the world to dwell on it. I really should just title this journal, "I'm stressed and pissed off! GRRR!" It's not a good thing. When I get overwhelmed, I focus on all the negative stuff, and I stop remembering how happy I am, how much I have to offer, and how far I've come. In any case, in all of my years of being stressed, I still haven't figured out a productive way to deal with feeling overwhelmed. I don't handle those feelings very well at all. On the other hand, sometimes I have to wonder if I'd truly be happy if everything was calm and easy. Probably not. I crave simplicity, but then get easily bored with it when I have it. If only I could strike a balance... this issue is truly my Achilles heel.
Is there a place you go to when you want to be all alone, and if so, where?
I've never really had a place where I specifically go to be alone. I rarely have problems getting my necessary 'me' time. I grew up as an only kid, so I had plenty of quiet time and space whenever I sought it. As far as things now,things are busy, but I always manage to get away from people when I want to. I'm sort of lucky in this regard... Tom puts a premium on his alone time as well, so when I'm ready for some peace and quiet, he is more than accommodating and will work with me to make it happen. Also, I use the commute time for a chance to get some deep thinking, to the point where I miss all kinds of exits, and I've been accused of being an, um, less than perfect driver. As far as peaceful places? I like deserted beaches at crappy five-gallon lakes. Early morning+overcast weekday+large body of water=all the sweet, quiet, and calm goodness you can ask for. The only noisy things are the thoughts roaming around in your head.
Do you prefer to be in a crowd or a small group of people, and why?
I think this is sort of a strange question, because it completely depends on the situation. I like both scenarios, for vastly different reasons. There is no feeling quite like getting lost in the crowd, and just being a part of something bigger. I have to admit, I like to blend in and observe everything and everyone around me, especially in situations where I don't know a whole lot of people. I do tend to get uncomfortable at formal parties/dinners/banquets. I absolutely hate those things. I'm not acting like myself, and all I can muster is a quiet, demure shell. The dynamic changes though once I'm in a room with people I know well... I open up, I get vocal, I start letting everything out. I'm heavily involved, and I'm much more aggressive. These are the situations where I have the most fun. I'm a weird set of contradictions in this regard... I've been described as confrontational, impassioned, and aggressive. However, I've also been described as polite, demure, and quiet. And both are completely true, depending on who you ask and when.
Do you tend to be more optimistic or pessimistic, and why?
Speaking of a weird set of contradictions...I'm an idealistic realist. I'm highly unromantic and as pragmatic as they come. I don't believe in soul mates, I don't believe in things that can't be objectively proven, and I always try to look for the most logical explanation. I believe that all things, good and bad, come to an end. Some view this as pessimistic. That being said, I'm endlessly hopeful in the human condition, and our capacity to make positive choices for ourselves and our society. I do my best to operate in the world as it should be, not as it is. This is why I'm so interested in the law to begin with... it is a profession that allows me to be honest about the state of affairs, but to also advocate for a better solution. I don't have to sit around and bitch about what's wrong with the world... I can get my hands dirty and put my two cents in on how to fix it. Some view this as optimism.