first day o class

Aug 18, 2004 09:35's been a dang long while since i've updated this thing. I just went to my first class of the fall. It feels like i just finished up my summer class and it DEFINITELY doesn't feel like summer's over. I'm so in denial that I probably won't buy my books till like next week. ooh. livin on the edge.
Immediately after I moved in, though it was a 2 day process, I packed up and headed to the beach for a retreat with my church in Auburn till last night. It was really fun and it was great to hang out with everyone for a few quality days before school started. However, we didn't get back till like 7:00 last night and I had "family dinner" (cause there are like 7 immediate relatives of mine within a 5 mi radius down here) at 7:00 then a party immediately following. So....i didn't exactly get to walk through my schedule or any of that precautionary-first-day-jitters-jazz. oh well. I seem to have the hang of it, i guess.
So genetics is what i had at 8:00 this morning. yes, you read that correctly. 8:00 AM. MWF. yeah. the professor is mildly funny and the subject I think will be more or less interesting. I mean, i haven't had biology since Walston (i won't count Mrs Howard's class as anything to mention) in 11th grade, so I'm kinda craving some biology. In addition to a quasi funny teacher, i have a lot of friends in that class...all of these things will help ease the pain of it being at 8:00. AM.
So, in a few minutes, I'll be heading out to organic chem at 10, computer at 11, and great books I at noon. Should be an interesting next few hours. I'm really most excited, though, about tomorrow. I'm taking abnormal psychology, so i'm pumped about that. my first psych class toward my major! finally! something besides my "science electives."

I'll leave you with something interesting. Everyone remember Megan Manly (from VHHS)? Well, her sister, Anita Manly, just got married, and, as if Anita Manly weren't bad enough, her married name is now ANITA MANLY HEAD. hahahahaha. true story! enjoy! I hope you all have a LOVELY day. I'm gonna give it my best shot!
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