Alright. Yesterday was 99X's Big Day Out concert at the HiHi Buys Ampitheater in Atlanta. This was the first BDO in five years, so it made it something special.
I bought one of the 10 dollar lawn tickets for the main stage, but you know what? Most of the big bands sucked, with the exception of Cake. They were great. The side stage is where the real rockin' took place.
The bands that were there were:
Satelite Party
Madina Lake
The Almost
Last November
City Sleeps
Plain White T's
The Bravery
Chris Cornell
and some others, probably
Anyway, Bigger bands went on the Mina Stage, where the Lawn, seats, and then Pit was. Most of the bands that went on the Main Stage sucked ass. Cake was awesome, but that's because it's frickin' Cake.
The best band I saw there, and Brett and John agree, was Last November(first band to play, on the side stage). They were just fucking great. They're realy fun, and their music is awesome. We talked to them for a while after their show, just before they were doing autographs, then they led us into the autograph place. I got: my camera bag, a page in my Death Note, and their CD(that I bought) signed by them. I also got loads of good pictures of them playing, and one video I'll be putting on youtube. I'm sending them some pictures via myspace pretty soon.
Another pretty good band was City Sleeps(also on the side stage). They were nearly as awesome as Last November. Also a bunch of cool guys. I only paid attention to them near the end of their performance.
I didn't see many of the bands. I listened to Plain White T's for a little while, but they weren't that amazing. I still managed to get their Autographs, though.
I also got The Bravery's autographs, even though I don't like the band, and the last guy that signed was kind of a dick. Waited int hat line for a damn long time, too.
The only other band I made a point to see was Cake, as I've mentioned twice now. They were just great, even on the Main Stage. They opened up with "Itallian Leather Sofa", went through a good few songs, and ended it with "Short Skirt/Long Jacket". Amazing.
Chris Cornell sucked, in my opinion. And John found out first-hand that he is a serious dick. I won't go into why, because I want to wrap this up. But still, I'm deleting the Audioslave songs I have on my computer now.
That's all I've got to say. Might post a few pictures soon. Dunno.