Title: The End of Summer Pairing: Frank/Dwayne Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Underage, incest, language, bottom!Dwayne, schmoop and angst (I don't want to give too much away). Summary: Nothing lasts forever. Disclaimer: LMS is not mine
Oh God, the angst. I love it. Seriously, it's my favorite thing to read and this was just heartbreaking. But I do agree that Frank does have to move out eventually, it's only logical. I think it'd be really interesting to explore their relationship in different settings and how that might change their dynamic (or not, idk).
I'm so glad you replied! I was starting to get worried. I've been putting this off for a while, but I knew I had to do it eventually. I knew I'd be taking a bit of a risk, too, by doing something somewhat different than I usually would. So I'm really happy and very, very relieved you liked the angst. Thank you so much for supporting me. I am so grateful for it. <3 ok I'm gonna stop now before I start crying. Nope, too late.
Comments 2
Awesome as always, love <3
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