Courtesy of
hugsnstitchesHow tall are you? 5'7"
Do you own a gun? My Pa does.
Rehab? No, thank you.
Have you ever killed an animal? I EAT THEM!
Are you Irish? Not that I know of.
What do you think of hot dogs? Franks are cool.
What's your favorite Christmas song? "Frank is gonna get a present today"
What is your favorite smell? The smell after rain hits freshly cut grass.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water
Do you do pushups? When I don't go to the gym.
Have you ever done ecstasy? ECSTA-NO!
Have you been shot? By needles. Shot down by Mandy Pengelinan and Maria Yatar way back when.
Have you ever been hospitalized? Several times.
Do you like painkillers? What is Pain? HUH?!
What's your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Humor.
Do you own a knife? Nope.
Do you have ADD? No, MINUS.
Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? I'll soon find that out
Name five drinks you regularly drink: Water. Black tea. King Car. Strawberry-Banana protein. Iced Tea.
What's in your CD player? First Impressions- Frank Candaso
What CD player: Car.
What's under your bed: Statistics Book and old homework.
What time did you wake up today? 9. Snoozed til 10.
Current haircut: Military.
What are you wearing: Black Pants.
Current worry: If I'll be called to explain a problem on the homework I'm supposed to be working on
Current love: Music.
Current hate: Wow, nothing.
Favorite place to be: Anywhere with the posse.
Least favorite place: THE GLOBE.
If you could play an instrument: I can play drums, guitar, vocal[?], tambourine(professionally)
Favorite colors: Black, Red, Gray
One person from your past you wish you could be with? Tough.
Where do you want to live? Here is fine.
Favorite food: Mom's cookin'
Color of most clothes you own: Black and Blue.
Number of pillows you sleep with? 2-3
What do you wear when you go to sleep? A smile.
What were you doing at 12 a.m. last night? Watching 8 mile on VH1.
What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? Firing someone.
Are you paranoid? Never.
Do you burn or tan? Depends on how much sunblock I use.
First piercing/tattoo? Null
Last person you yelled at: No one :O
Latest crush? No one.
Last thing you ate: Joinus
If you could be a pirate, would you? Minus the wooden leg and eye patch. Parrot optional.
What songs do you sing in the shower? Anything I can reach.
When and why did you last vomit? Alcohol. Beer game. Paul's house.
What's in your pockets right now? Inhaler.
What color are your bedroom walls: Gray and Black.
Last thing that made you laugh: I forgot, but it was funny.
Best bed sheets you had as a child? Weird.
Any pets now? Dog named Sassy Virus
Have you ever won any awards? Hell yes.
How many TVs do you have in your house? 4. 2 work.
Who do you tell your dreams to? Anyone
If you could pick one person to make out with, who would it be? Tough.
What do you think of the person who posted this before you? Awesome.