May 19, 2008 18:11
The orgasmic shock of being back home is now pretty much gone. It's great to be back, but I've got sooo many things to keep me busy.
First off, there are my spring and summer classes. During spring semester, I'm re-taking Urban Studies at Wayne State in hopes of changing my D into an A. The class isn't really that hard, but I just didn't show up to the final the first time around (silly, stupid, young Christopher) and thus ended up with less than sataisfactory remarks. But the MOST awesome part about it is the fact that I took all my notes on my handheld and now my handheld battery is dead, I can't find the charger, nor can I find the USB that hooks it into my computer, and the first of three exams that comprise my entire grade is on Thursday. Sweet, right? But I'm not worried; obstacles in my life have a very strange way of working themselves out these days.
Secondly, my sister is getting married! Whoo hoo! My brother-in-law to be is such a great guy and I wish them both nothing but the most wonderful things. I still have to tell the groomsmen about all the bachelor party details and secure a midget stripper. Does anyone know a little person who would be willing to take their clothes off? Haha, but seriously, I'm sure I can find something on the internet machine.
Thirdly, Cambourne. I'm part of this up and coming company called Cambourne Records. I always thought that Gone Awry was our main client, but after joining Cambourne, I realize that Gone Awry is actually a very minor part of the company. We're currently working with Reynolds Music to put on the third annual Thrive Fest. It's going to be better than ever. It's in Farmington Hills (as opposed to South Lyon) and tickets are only $10. We've got a bunch of bands from out of state, as well as some hard-working local kids. And the best part is...get ready...there is a small chance that PART TIME might be playing!!!! If it works out with Steve's leave time (who I hear might be getting stop-loss order...I hope to God that isn't true), they might play. Being a part of Cambourne is fun.
In other news, I've been feeling very creative. I want to write again. It's been so long. As soon as the wedding and Thrive Fest is over, I'm gonna tap away on some short story ideas.