non-zombie dream

Sep 05, 2008 20:32

Had an odd dream the other night I wanted to get down before it faded.

I was traveling to a game publisher with my dad, I'm not sure why. Ended up I got a demonstration of some device that I dont know what it was for but involved me being in a big tank of water, square, about 12 feet deep, (had shoulder straps under the water but so low that i wouldnt have been able to breathe), with glass stalagmites in it, and putting electrodes in the water...this caused the water to move very quickly (mostly in one direction, like it was a river; no idea where the water was going but it wasn't circulating) and broke the stalactites up but did so in a way that left them completely non-sharp and harmless to people in the tank. Also the electricity didn't shock me, although it felt weird in a way I can't really describe.

The people there demonstrated the pain potential of this device first, which was me putting one leg in the water and getting a red tuning-fork shaped electrode run across a scar on my left side (which I don't have in real life). It hurt a lot. I'm not sure why they showed that off, they seemed very proud of it and amused.

Apparently this series of demonstrations was the plan of a semi-attractive executive for getting in my pants; she was in the tank too during the non-pain demonstration and seemed very excited about it (not like that, pervs; she seemed proud to show off her toy [NOT LIKE THAT, PERVS]); eventually I had to break the news to her that I was going back home, she seemed very upset (no she never got in my pants or anywhere, she wasnt my type at all, although she was kind of cute in a california-too-tan way).

Also I've been looking around to see if I can figure out the zombie dreams, some sites say things like apocalyptic dreams are about change, and vary depending on the context. That makes me wonder if there isn't something about my life that I'd like to change but haven't been able to; in all of the dreams the old is destroyed and I am instrumental in building the new. So perhaps my brain is telling me I need to work for what I want to change.

The zombies bit I haven't found anything on, all the sites I found talked about if you dreamed about being a zombie. That's never happened. Maybe I'm afraid of my life becoming a stagnant and dead neverending trudge, slowly decaying?


dream journal, zombies!

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