Actually no poo stories this time! Well, unless I relate how I recently found where the bags of salted peanuts in the shells are at my grocery store. I think I have the opposite of a peanut allergy, like a peanut dependency. I once ate two pounds out of a five pound bag in one sitting. There were poo issues after that. And now I have bags of peanuts and nobody to watch me eat them or suffer for it. So yeah, I guess there's poo.
My life has too much poo. :p
Hooray for vacation! Unfortunately my parents were unable to make it down as planned; nothing serious, but a medical issue made their visit impossible. I am disappointed. If nothing else I was gonna get some nice leftovers I didn't have to cook. :p
The other day on CNN they were reporting on the church (catholic flavor) and how they were planning on boycotting The Golden Compass, being as how it was written by an outspoken atheist and how the enemy organization in the book is essentially the catholic church all done up as a theocracy. I was sad to see the CNN guy agreed that the movie and books were crap but he was questioning the need for a boycott. All I could think of was I don't recall any atheists bitching or threatening to boycott The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe when it came out, or for fuck's sake The Passion. I guess that whole tolerance thing only goes for their fellow sheep. Allow me to take a moment and officially say 'fuck you, catholic church.'
I actually watched almost an entire episode of Battlestar a little while ago. It was the 'miniseries event' or 'special presentation' or whatever, Razor. I paused to see if they had the same problem as the rest of the Battlestar folks, and yup, about two minutes after I started watching someone started crying. So why did I watch, you ask? Well, I feel dirty saying it, but because of an absolutely gorgeous main character,
Stephanie Chaves-Jacobsen. Born in Hong Kong, then moved to Australia when she was young, has an awesome accent. Thankfully the show was a one-shot so I don't have to watch any more. But damn, she's beautiful. So yeah, I'm a sucker for a pretty face.
The first Futurama direct to DVD thing hits next Tuesday! You are all hereby ordered to buy five copies and throw at least one of them at a local Fox affiliate office, attached to at least one brick.